Renewable energy is energy that is produced from sustainable sources, such as wind, water and the sun.
Compared to fossil fuels, renewable energy sources have significantly less of a negative impact on the environment. By using renewable energy to supply the country’s energy needs, we can promote regional economic development.
XOOM Energy provides consumers with renewable energy Information based on state law and regional fuel mix on our disclosure labels. Click on your individual renewable plan for more details. These disclosure labels are often limited to the system mix and for those who are enrolled on a renewable energy plan, they may not include the additional, voluntary, renewable energy associated with your product.
XOOM Energy purchases Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) on behalf of our voluntary green customers. A REC (pronounced: rěk) represents the property rights to the environmental, social, and other non-power qualities of renewable electricity generation. RECs provide flexibility in procuring green power across a diverse geographical area and applying the renewable attributes to the electricity use at a facility of choice. This flexibility allows organizations to support renewable energy development and protect the environment when green power products are not locally available. RECs can be generated from a variety of renewable sources, including but not limited to solar, wind and hydro.
Renewable energy is associated with more costs than traditional energy due to limited resources and availability.
To offer you competitive rates XOOM Energy purchases its renewable energy from various energy vendors.
Yes, customers can switch from a variable standard plan to a variable renewable plan or from a standard variable plan to a fixed renewable product.